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Prank Stories: Computers

Displaying 21-30 of 78   [  <<Back ] [  Next>> ]

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File Name Date Added Hit Count
Registry Murder Rating: R Ha! 9/8/2002 7,579
Kill off Strings, Links, etc with this funny little trick
Pretend To Be Someone Else Rating: G Ha! Ha! 3/7/2003 8,094
Make another sn and IM you friend sayin your someone else, while being on as ur REAL sn the same tym
Powerpoint pranks! Rating: G Ha! Ha! Ha! 5/21/2003 9,411
How to trick the teacher or new kid into thinking he has a virus! Very sneaky!
Pop-up window Rating: G Ha! Ha! 11/5/2001 11,097
this little piece of HTML creates a pop-up window, that when closed, re-opens it self :D
Phone Tape Rating: G Ha! Ha! 3/31/2001 9,589
Tape the phone!
Obama Toilet Paper, wipe your ass with Obama. Click Here!
Phone Prank Rating: G Ha! Ha! Ha! 6/7/2002 10,556
Drive someone mad at home by calling from your computer!
Obtain control of other accounts on an XP Rating: G Ha! Ha! 12/16/2004 18,950
To do whatever you want with your family's accounts on an XP.
No-mouse Rating: G Ha! Ha! 2/13/2001 8,719
Stop a users mouse from working.
No Desktop Rating: G Ha! Ha! 11/12/2002 7,423
Make desktop icons dissapear and disable right clickin on the desktop
Network Fun Rating: G Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! 2/11/2004 9,608
Have some fun with ur network, school or office ;)
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A mix of computer pranks, gags, funny software, funny images, humor postcards, media humor and other silly stuff!