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Prank Stories: Miscellaneous

Displaying 51-60 of 121   [  <<Back ] [  Next>> ]

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File Name Date Added Hit Count
Moonlight Serenade Rating: R Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! 4/19/2002 7,505
revenge to the pain in the ass neighbor
Moldy Milk Rating: G Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! 12/22/2003 6,367
disgust your friends with this whitty trick!
missing letters Rating: G Ha! Ha! 5/3/2001 8,930
itz a simple thing to do
Mall Pranks Rating: G Ha! Ha! 4/22/2004 8,088
mall fun
Mail Mayhem Rating: G Ha! Ha! 12/13/2004 15,506
Where's the mail?
Get a digital camera that SHOCKS you! Click Here!
M&M trick Rating: G Ha! Ha! 11/14/2002 7,210
trick some1 into thinking they won 1,000,000 yen
Lottery Tickets Rating: G Ha! Ha! 7/27/2000 6,605
Fake prize?
Lottery Prank Rating: G Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! 3/13/2003 7,578
Make someone think they won $10 Million
Limburger cheese Rating: G Ha! Ha! Ha! 3/29/2002 9,514
Now that is some stinky cheese!
License Plates Rating: G Ha! Ha! Ha! 11/19/2000 10,573
Good prank to play on anyone!
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A mix of computer pranks, gags, funny software, funny images, humor postcards, media humor and other silly stuff!