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Prank Stories: Miscellaneous

Displaying 31-40 of 121   [  <<Back ] [  Next>> ]

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File Name Date Added Hit Count
Shaving Cream Rating: G Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! 11/16/2000 7,599
Mean, cruel prank
Shakin' up Rating: G Ha! Ha! 1/28/2003 5,061
unscrew the lid of a salt shaker
salt or pepper??? Rating: G Ha! Ha! 7/9/2003 5,936
salt into pepper
Road-side purse Rating: PG-13 Ha! Ha! Ha! 4/1/2002 6,748
This ones a real "stinker"
Ring!Ring! Rating: G Ha! Ha! 3/25/2003 6,520
one of the funniest telephone pranks around....
Get a digital camera that SHOCKS you! Click Here!
Revenge can be expensive! Rating: PG-13 Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! 7/30/2000 11,622
Girl gets revenge on her cheating boyfriend!
Revenge Rating: PG-13 Ha! Ha! 8/23/2001 8,929
me and my anger!
Pyrotechnical Pranks Rating: G Ha! Ha! Ha! 10/28/2000 8,128
For adults only...
Push or Pull?? Rating: G Ha! Ha! Ha! 12/11/2004 17,317
what are you supposed to do push or pull?
Prank Condom Phone Call Rating: PG-13 Ha! Ha! 12/15/2003 15,924
Prank Phone calls can be fun when talking to spouses!!!
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A mix of computer pranks, gags, funny software, funny images, humor postcards, media humor and other silly stuff!