Oil, Shaving cream, and dishsoap

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Prank Stories : School

Basketball games  Ha! Ha! Ha! Send This to a friend! 27,311 hits
Rated: G     

Submitted by: Someone
Release Date: 2/10/2004
Date Added: 2/17/2004
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So my story goes like this. Me and my buddy hate everything about school, and, having nothing to do, we make it just as bad for everyone else. Well, being a girl, I have very easy access to the grils locker room. During basketball season, this is very useful. Once there was a home game and the other team used the showers that we have in there. Well, we knew that they would, so we had fun with that and got a huge bottle of clear dishsoap and covered the shower floors with it. (In case you haven't caught it...it's really really slippery.) During that same game we also put dishsoap in the tanks of the toilets and when you flush the toilet....there's a wonderful shower of bubbles issuing from it. Lastly, we had our fun with vegetable oil too. (this was at a different game)Way before the games we put some on the basketball court under the baskets and in both locker rooms all over the floor. Then in the 4th quarter of the game, the lobby of the gym was very unsupervised so we decided the floor out there sounded like a good idea. We didn't see the results of that...but we heard that some idiot had put oil all over the floors out there and it was a mess when everyone went to leave. They were two games from hell.

Well...I would advise that everyone try this...but it's rather hard not to look conspicuous. Have it very planned out and once the deed is done...leave. you'll hear all about the results later. I hope you have fun with this one.

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Oil, Shaving cream, and dishsoap