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Hole Cup  Ha! Ha! Ha! Send This to a friend! 7,667 hits
Rated: PG-13     

Submitted by: Zephan
Release Date: 8/22/2003
Date Added: 9/11/2003
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Prank: Every other plastice cup at a party, take a thumbtac, and when no one is looking, put a whole on the side of the cup near the bottom on every other cup. You'll love this prank. PEACE!!!

Story: Yo, my aunt who is pregnant was giving me a hard time, so when it was a day after her baby shower on my brother's birthday, I put holes in a every other cup. So, finally, she got thirsty, it got all over her. Trust me she totally deserved it. She don't trust me and my cuz. And if you don't trust me then I'll make it for sure you can't!

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If U Wanna Piss Someone Off Do This