this is a cool prank !!!!!!!!!!

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Prank Stories : Computers

A virus-like Batch file  Ha! Ha! Send This to a friend! 44,520 hits
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Submitted by: nav
Release Date: 1/2/2003
Date Added: 2/28/2003
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go to notpad and type this


Echo Off
mkdir c:\windows\desktop\Virus
mkdir c:\windows\desktop\hetwerkt.txt
mkdir c:\windows\desktop\delling.txt
rmdir c:\windows\desktop\delling.txt
copy c:\windows\himem.sys c:\windows\desktop
copy c:\windows\desktop\test.text c:\windows\desktop\Virus\test.txt
del c:\windows\desktop\test.txt
renamec:\windows\desktop\virus\test.txt c:\windows\desktop\virus.txt
rename c:\windows\desktop\himem.sys c:\windows\desktop\StarVirus.sys
echo Het virus Fucking works ya!!!
echo Om het te kunnen draaien moet je in je desktop
echo VIRUS.TXT aanmaken. anders werkt het niet


then save it as click here it is cool.bat of some thing you want make sure your put .BAT or it will not work then to send it to any body put it in a zip file and send it to some one

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this is a cool prank !!!!!!!!!!