Frustrate the 'One/Two Finger Typist in your office

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Alphabetized Keyboard  Ha! Ha! Ha! Send This to a friend! 31,352 hits
Rated: G     

Submitted by: Shorty435
Release Date: 11/27/2001
Date Added: 12/4/2001
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This is a great one to play on that person in your office that types with one or two fingers. Follow these steps for a really good chuckle: 1. Find a keyboard, or use the existing one that your target will need it for a few minutes. 2. Pry up all the keys with letters on them 'A thru Z' (this can be done with a small screwdriver) and carefully alphabetize are doing the target a favour, they were out of order anyways! 3. Place the keyboard back at your target's workstation and ensure it is plugged into the computer. 4. Wait around for the person to log on to their computer and try to figure out why they get a 'K' everytime they type 'R'! I went to work a few minutes early one day and got a spare keyboard from our Computer Supply Department and 'installed' my co-workers new keyboard before he got to work. It took 15 minutes before he got up enough nerve to ask me to take a look at his didn't seem to be taking his password. There were a few people that were in on this joke, and we all had a good laugh in the was kinda difficult to keep a straight face when he was trying to type in his password over and over.

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Frustrate the 'One/Two Finger Typist in your office