Have fun with a doorbell

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Doorbell fun  Ha! Ha! Send This to a friend! 10,359 hits
Rated: G     

Submitted by: EggMaster
Release Date: 10/8/2001
Date Added: 10/15/2001
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You know that oldest prank where you press down the doorbell of some old fogey and then run away? Take it a step further.

Youll Need: Duct Tape Super strong glue (like aryldyte or anything in those double shringe type things which you have to mix together.

What to do.

sit outside your targets house and prepare the glue. Put the glue on the sticky side of a strip of the tape. now quickly put the glue bit right over the dorbell ringer and the wall.

The glue will stick down the buzzer and fuse the plastic shut. and the tape will just keep it there until the glue sets.

FOr best results:

Only do this to an old guy with a walking stick that cant walk fast. On the instructions of the glue see how long you have till the glue sets and a min before it should set stick down the buzzer. DO it on cold days in the morning. Then the glue will set faster and will be more annoying.

This will make the old fags door bell ring for ever and hell have to get it removed to fix it.

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Have fun with a doorbell