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Prank Stories : School

Dirty money  Ha! Ha! Ha! Send This to a friend! 55,958 hits
Rated: G     

Submitted by: Travis
Release Date: 9/25/2001
Date Added: 9/27/2001
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This prank probly isnt all that origional because i saw this on tv this is what you do you take a dime or a quarter because of the ridged edge and you put it on a piece of paper use a pencil and color the edge in verry heavly you walk up to an un expecting person and say i quote ''here take this dime/quarter and if you can put it on your forehead and rool it the whole way to the tip of your nose you can keep it'' the hard part of this is keeping a stright face while the coin rools down their face leaving a black mark he he he

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