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Prank Stories : Business

Car Tires  Ha! Ha! Ha! Send This to a friend! 21,520 hits
Rated: G     

Submitted by: The 1, The only, Sumbody
Release Date: 9/6/2001
Date Added: 9/10/2001
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Have someone in your office just kissed the bosses ass for the promotiony ou wanted and gets thats realy nice sports car? Well, just before the end of your working day go to their car take of the dust cap (that thing that goes on the tire valve) and put a small stone or piece of grit in it and screw it back on you should here a quiet hissing, so as that boss ass kissing twat drives home, his tire(s) go down slowly. Its even better when you can tease them about it as you drive by. This works well i have done it.

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