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Prank Stories : Business

Borrow a cart  Ha! Ha! Send This to a friend! 18,544 hits
Rated: G     

Submitted by: Jonathan
Release Date: 5/17/2001
Date Added: 6/3/2001
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If you work for a large company and have an admin that has a cart that is clearly marked, "THIS CART IS FOR [put name here] DO NOT USE!" or something equally as silly? It doesn't seem fair that the cart gets stuck in the same place all the time.

As a personal favor to the cart, take it on a journey to a faraway building. Send back pictures of the car having fun. When was the last time the cart went to a drive through at a fast food establishment? Hey, has the admin ever taken the cart out for coffee? Lend a hand. Help out the poor admin. Send them pictures of the journey.
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