Save the earth from invading chickens! Fast-paced action for one or two players.

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Funny Software : Windows: Games

Chicken Invaders  v1.30 Ha! Ha! Ha! Send This to a friend! 22,692 hits
Rated: G     

Submitted by: InterAction studios
License: Freeware
Platform: Windows 95/98/NT/2000
File Size: 3262KB
Release Date: 12/29/2002
Date Added: 10/18/2003
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1=sucks, 5=best

Sometime in the near future, earth is invaded by chickens from another galaxy, bent on revenge against the human race for oppressing earth chickens. Take the world's fate in your hands (or at least have an omelette) in this modern rendition of the '80s classic.

Shoot at anything that moves. If it doesn't move, shoot it anyway. Collect anything that even resembles a bonus.

Advance through waves of chicken invaders. Fire your primary laser at chickens to destroy them while simultaneously avoiding eggs dropping down. When a chicken is destroyed, chicken legs fly out. Collect those for missile bonuses. Hidden inside chickens and some asteroids are gift boxes. Collect these to upgrade the power of your primary laser.

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Save the earth from invading chickens! Fast-paced action for one or two players.