A letter for a co-worker who just works your last nerve!

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Humor Postcards : Postal Mail

Annoying Co-worker  Ha! Ha! Send This to a friend! 29,261 hits
Rated: G     

Submitted by: Eric - Website
Release Date: 7/30/2000
Date Added: 7/30/2000
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Annoying Co-Worker: Naughty Version (excerpt)

Dear (whoever), . . .Working with you is similar to listening to the same song for 48 hours straight. . .If I had not learned to avoid you as much as possible, your personality would have forced me to quit by now. . . It would be more humane to have a co-worker eternally listen to the sound of fingernails scratching against a chalkboard, than to have them work with you. . .

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A letter for a co-worker who just works your last nerve!