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Online Fun: Bin Laden

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File Name Date Added Hit Count
Bad Dudes vs. Bin Laden Rating: G Ha! Ha! 11/25/2001 57,900
Osama Bin Laden has been captured. Are you a bad enough dude to kick his ass?
E! Bin Laden Rating: R Ha! Ha! Ha! 12/24/2001 33,005
E True Hollywood story
Fart Wars Rating: PG-13 Ha! Ha! Ha! 11/24/2001 37,127
Fun stuff
Flush Out Bin Laden Rating: PG-13 Ha! Ha! 12/18/2001 27,572
If the guy at the next urinal is laughing, don't take it personal, he just took out bin Laden!
Interview with Bin Laden Rating: G Ha! Ha! Ha! 11/23/2001 27,979
Suck my News Network
Obama Toilet Paper, wipe your ass with Obama. Click Here!
Mr. T vs. Bin Laden Rating: G Ha! Ha! Ha! 11/27/2001 26,889
Freaking funny as hell
Osama's Dance Mix Rating: G Ha! Ha! 11/24/2001 24,214
Osama covers some classic party hits like "Stroke It", "Pretty Woman" and more!
Screw Osama Rating: PG-13 Ha! Ha! 11/14/2001 22,817
Bin Laden Gets To Know The REAL Americans
Smack Osama - Play Turbanator Rating: G Ha! Ha! 1/1/2003 21,812
Relieve some stress - Smack Osama
Strip Bin Laden Rating: NC-17 Ha! Ha! Ha! 11/1/2001 25,433
Reveal what's benearth the evil exterior

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A mix of computer pranks, gags, funny software, funny images, humor postcards, media humor and other silly stuff!