Play the new Pin Up Game featuring Baywatch star Brande Roderick

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Benchwarmers Pin Up  Ha! Ha! Send This to a friend! 13,054 hits
Rated: G     

Submitted by: Dan W. Ferguson
Date Added: 2/26/2005
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Experience Bench Warmers beauties like never before in this hot new Pin Up Puzzle game. The game concept is simple yet addictive. Compete against others to assemble the puzzle images of three stunningly beautiful models from Bench Warmers newest 2004 Trading Card Series. The game features images of Baywatch star Brande Roderick, Playboys 50th Anniversary Playmate Colleen Shannon and Outback Jacks star Mary Iaconelli. So play to win and enjoy the good looks along way. Trust me, youll want a piece of this puzzle.

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Play the new Pin Up Game featuring Baywatch star Brande Roderick