Crazy Frog Axel F video and song from the UK is a popular ring tone hit.

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Media Humor : Songs

Crazy Frog Axel F  Ha! Ha! Ha! Send This to a friend! 17,246 hits
Rated: G     

Submitted by: Crazy Frog
File Size: 8064KB
Date Added: 6/10/2005
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Crazy Frog Axel F is the marketing title of a ring tone based on The Annoying Thing, a computer animation created by Erik Wernquist. The animation was originally created to accompany a sound effect produced by Daniel Malmedahl whilst attempting to imitate the sound of a two-stroke moped engine.

The Annoying Thing is an anthropomorphic amphibian, who wears only a white motorcycle helmet with the chinstrap unfastened, a leather jacket, and goggles. His toes are webbed, and the iris of one eye is significantly larger than the other. Also present is a set of ambiguous, but controversial, genitalia.

The character imitates the hand movements required to rotate the twistgrip controls of a motorcycle while making the sound of an engine ignition. As the imaginary engine starts, the character begins to levitate as exhaust fumes are discharged from his body. The character then disappears into the distance at high speed.

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Crazy Frog Axel F video and song from the UK is a popular ring tone hit.