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Are you a geek?  Ha! Ha! Send This to a friend! 60,942 hits
Rated: G     

Submitted by: Unknown
Date Added: 8/5/2000
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1=sucks, 5=best

Are you a computer geek? Take the quiz to find out. 1) I have moss growing:
a. in my garden
b. in my bathroom
c. on my teeth 2) When I open my mouth at parties,people:
a. listen
b. ease away slowly
c. stuff a live weasel down my throat

3) I think computers are:
a. uninteresting
b. interesting
c. way too slow for the stuff I want to do 4) In general people:
a. like me
b. don't like me
c. people? what people? 5) My friends are:
a. diverse
b. people I know from school
c. electronic machines,usually boxy shape, that perform rapid, complex applications in addition to compiling and correlating tons of data

6) My dream vacation is:
a. Tibet
b. Europe
c. In a room with lots of fluorecent lights and an unlimited supply of soda

7) My job prospects are:
a. abysmal
b. adequate
c. they pay people to do this?

If you answered every or almost every answer as 'c' you need to spend less time on your computer.

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