Simulates detecting a Virus on the victim's computer.

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Downloadable Pranks : DOS

Virus Prank  v1.0 Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Send This to a friend! 7,432 hits
Rated: PG-13     

Submitted by: Bryan
License: Freeware
Platform: DOS
File Size: 5KB
Release Date: 8/23/2001
Date Added: 9/5/2001
Additional Requirements:
      DOS 6.0 Or Above, System Speaker (not sound card and speakers, because the sound on this will come through the system speaker)
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This is a .bat file that I created with my knowledge of Microsoft DOS. Run this file, and it will simulate finding a virus on your system! It will give you choices on what to do throughout the process. There is one wrong answer. See if you can tell which one it is!

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Simulates detecting a Virus on the victim's computer.