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Prank Stories: Business

Displaying 11-20 of 46   [  <<Back ] [  Next>> ]

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File Name Date Added Hit Count
Sky Hook Rating: G Ha! Ha! 6/16/2001 10,609
Use a sky hook
Sky Hook Rating: G 6/9/2001 11,085
Bogus doughnuts
Serve a Yucky Lunch Rating: G Ha! Ha! 5/22/2000 11,936
Rubber cement Rating: G Ha! Ha! Ha! 6/22/2001 10,029
Funny stuff
Replace files Rating: G Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! 6/19/2001 9,321
File copy
Get a hilarious prank band-aid sticker. Click Here!
Printer prank Rating: G Ha! Ha! Ha! 6/17/2001 10,536
Also works on a copier
Popcorn Rating: G Ha! Ha! 10/29/2002 10,242
It's time consuming, but a great office prank
Phone Button Switch Rating: G Ha! Ha! Ha! 3/28/2001 13,961
Good April Fools Trick with the Phone
PDA Prank Rating: G Ha! Ha! 3/27/2002 8,422
Got a friend with a Palm?
Pager pranks Rating: G Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! 6/21/2001 10,410
Alpha Numeric pager pranks
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A mix of computer pranks, gags, funny software, funny images, humor postcards, media humor and other silly stuff!