the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.... on Microsoft Word... for 200 pgs!

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WTF happened to my Word?  Send This to a friend! 7,409 hits
Rated: G     

Submitted by: fUtUre cOmpUteR haCKeR
Release Date: 12/1/2003
Date Added: 12/10/2003
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1=sucks, 5=best

Ok, this is what you do....

Go to your friend's computer, go to Microsoft Word and type in "= rand (200,093)" without the quotes....

within the same line, hit enter... and watch the Word filled with the words "The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog" for 200 or more pages!

It's fun...

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the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.... on Microsoft Word... for 200 pgs!