To get even, I took control of neighbor's speakers

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Prank Stories : School

Posessed Stereo  Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Send This to a friend! 10,504 hits
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Submitted by: Jim
Release Date: 8/6/2003
Date Added: 9/5/2003
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Although I was good friends with my dormatory neighbors next door, they often kept me up way too late with their partying.

To get even, I ran a wire from my stereo, through the wall to their room. When I was in their room hanging out, I secretly connected the wires to their stereo speakers.

I set my alarm for 3 AM on a weeknight, and at the appointed time, I loaded a recording of the John Phillips Sousa march, "Stars and Stripes Forever". I blasted it as loud as I could through THEIR speakers. I could hear it shaking their room. I heard some shouts, lots of profanity, things crashing, someone beating on their stereo (which was off) and finally the wires were ripped from their speakers. Silence.

Thank God my door lock worked, Leon and Brian were pretty mad.

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To get even, I took control of neighbor's speakers