Got guts, add porn to your bosses car!

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Porn in car  Ha! Ha! Send This to a friend! 6,750 hits
Rated: G     

Submitted by: Jeff Nuss
Release Date: 9/23/2002
Date Added: 9/24/2002
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1=sucks, 5=best

Our boss is full of himself, and thinks he is really cool. (He is bald, over weight, and has hair growing from his ears). He drives a little two seater BMW sports car, with a license plate "STD MFN" (Stud Muffin)

My and a friend, decided to have some fun at his expense. We printed out porn pictures from the internet (mostly naked men) and slipped them through an open crack in his car window. The landed face up in the passenger seat.

We then put post it notes, in the all the bathrooms, that he had porn in his car. People were walking by and laughing all day. Word got around, and everyone in the company was looking inside his car.

He has no idea who did it, but I laugh everytime I see him in that little car.

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Got guts, add porn to your bosses car!