Make someone think that their OS has been replaced.

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Replacement OS.  Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Send This to a friend! 7,529 hits
Rated: G     

Submitted by: Jesse
Release Date: 3/4/2002
Date Added: 3/5/2002
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Here's a fairly simple trick. I did this one time to a friend of mine. What I did was to take his windows pc and ran a dos shell in full screen mode (hit alt-enter when you get the dos box). Once I'd done that I then typed the following;

prompt Red Hat Linux 6.2 (zoot) $_Kernel 2.2.4-14 on an I-686 $_ $_ linuxpc login:

After I entered this, the DOS Prompt this:

Red Hat Linux 6.2 (zoot) Kernel 2.2.4-14 on an I-686

linuxpc login:

I then entered CLS, and waited for him to come back. Watching his reaction when he came back and seen that he apparently had a Linux PC was the most fun I had in a long time.

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Make someone think that their OS has been replaced.