3 emails plus multiple personalities plus a few friends to freak out equals instant fun!

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Multiple Emails  Ha! Ha! Ha! Send This to a friend! 11,022 hits
Rated: PG-13     

Submitted by: Ty Machado
Release Date: 8/9/2001
Date Added: 8/13/2001
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okay this is what you do, make 3 new emails, all different in a way, then email and talk to your friends in chat rooms and on messenger programs using that email address(MSN,YAHOO!,AOL, ETC...), say things like how they smell and stuff just keep bugging them until they block you, this is were the other three email addresses come in, just change emails and bug them some more, send them emails telling you that you love them and other stupid stuff I dunno be creative, if you have a email that you use as like a usual like the one that you have friends and family email you at, use that one to keep suspicion off of you, say that this guy keeps bugging you too and that he is bugging you as much as the next guy, you should probably make up some conversations that you had with this guy, like just type in his name like you were talking to him in a chat room or somethin do what you want, but use this method until your down to your last email thats when you email everyone you've been bothering and tell them that it was you, trust me if you do a good job they'll all laugh their asses off,then just forget about the three emails that you have unless you have other plans for them, I pulled this joke on my friends and it lasted for about 3 days and it was hilarious.

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3 emails plus multiple personalities plus a few friends to freak out equals instant fun!