Countdown Timer™ is a 32bit windows application that performs a numeric countdown from ten to zero.

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Funny Software : Windows: Miscellaneous

Countdown Timer  v1.0 Ha! Ha! Ha! Send This to a friend! 19,107 hits
Rated: G     

Submitted by: Stupid Apps - Website
License: Freeware
Platform: Windows 95/98/NT/2000
File Size: 363KB
Release Date: 1/3/2001
Date Added: 2/9/2001
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Countdown Timer™ is a 32bit windows application that performs a numeric countdown from ten to zero. When you need to time anything for a period of ten seconds, you will not find an application more suited than Countdown Timer™.

Performs a numeric countdown from 10 to 0. Good for pretending you're an astronaut about to blast off.

Note: The countdown happens in units which approximate actual seconds.

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Countdown Timer™ is a 32bit windows application that performs a numeric countdown from ten to zero.