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Online Fun: Miscellaneous

Displaying 21-30 of 57   [  <<Back ] [  Next>> ]

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File Name Date Added Hit Count
Shakedown Rating: G Ha! Ha! 5/19/2000 12,412
Want a browser shakedown?
Scratch and Sniff Rating: G Ha! Ha! Ha! 11/5/2003 7,757
Amazing new technology
School's Almost Out Countdown Rating: G Ha! Ha! Ha! 9/17/2003 7,748
Counts down by day, hour, and minute.
Say it 3 words Rating: PG-13 Ha! Ha! Ha! 5/18/2003 14,008
Your friends will love you.... Until they find out what it really is!! :-)
Random Excuse Machine Rating: G Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! 5/27/2001 9,304
Let us help you weasel out of anything with an unlimited supply of hilarious excuses!
Do you enjoy Computer Pranks and gags? Check out the Fool's Tools CD-ROM of Classic Computer Pranks and Gags. Click Here!
President Warp Rating: G Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! 11/14/2000 9,232
Distort the future president
Pornolize Rating: R Ha! Ha! Ha! 12/16/2003 9,498
This site will add a porn style toany website
PhoneTrace Rating: NC-17 Ha! Ha! Ha! 12/13/2006 24,783
PhoneTrace BETA - locate a mobile/cellular phone anywhere in the world!
NOBS Gaming Rating: PG-13 Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! 7/2/2004 6,402
Gaming website
Neglected Mario Characters Rating: G Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! 1/4/2003 11,595
The other video game characters finally get a webpage.
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A mix of computer pranks, gags, funny software, funny images, humor postcards, media humor and other silly stuff!